fredag den 29. januar 2021

Modern and Contemporary Masters bl.a Lotte Kjoeller, Gallery Artifact, New York july 22, 2021

I hope all is well. Currently, we at Artifact are completing scheduling for 'Continuity: Modern and Contemporary Masters’, a group exhibition at our gallery at in Manhattan. It will take place in July 2022. This special project will include the works of Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse and Joan Miro along with selected contemporary artists. The exhibition will explore links between modern and contemporary art, its evolution and validity in the present cultural and social environment.

Annaborg med BKF kunstnere bl.a Lotte Kjøller. 18 Juni-9 August, Hillerød 2021

BKF Nordsjælland udstiller på Annaborg


NORDISK SALON I HELSINGBORG juli 21-22. Dunkers, Sverige

Nordisk Salong is a collaboration between Helsingborgs konstförening and Dunkers kulturhus which in 2014 led to the first Nordic salon in Helsingborg. Now it’s time for the third. The idea is to show the audience the broad contemporary art in the Nordic countries.

All artists born in 2003 or earlier, resident and active in the Nordic region, are welcome to apply for participation in painting, drawing, sculpture, textiles, film, photography, graphics, installation, performance and mixed technique.

Mini Print International of Cadaques, Spain

41th Edition

“The large number of participants, the variety of techniques used, the contrasts, the perfect arrangement of the works makes the Mini Print a unique occurrence in the art world and allows the mainstream audience to know and approach the world of miniprints.”

Pia Serinyana – Mayor of Cadaqués

International Prize Dante Alighieri - Lotte Kjoeller is the true master of letters with her art

Lotte Kjoeller's painting 120x150 cm Acrylic on canvas is called "A greeting from us in the office". At the bottom of it is written in letters: The office in danish. This is an example of Lotte's work when she mixes text and art. Lotte is not only a painter, she also illustrates and writes poetry. So this award she had to accept.

Dante is considered the father of the Italian language; its fame is due to the paternity of the Comedìa, which became famous as the Divine Comedy and universally considered the greatest work written in Italian and one of the greatest masterpieces of world literature. Expression of medieval culture, filtered through the lyric of the Dolce stil novo, the Comedy is also an allegorical vehicle of human salvation, which is concretized in touching the dramas of the damned, the purgatorial pains and the celestial glories, allowing Dante to offer the reader a cross-section of morals and ethics.
Important linguist, political theorist and philosopher, Dante moved within the human knowledge, deeply marking the Italian literature of the following centuries and Western culture itself, so much so that he was nicknamed the "Supreme Poet" or, by definition, the "Poet". Dante, whose remains are found at the tomb in Ravenna built in 1780 by Camillo Morigia, has become one of the symbols of Italy in the world, thanks to the name of the main body for the diffusion of the Italian language, the Dante Alighieri Society.

In the March/April 2021 issue of the "Art International Contemporary Magazine", ample space will be devoted to the figure of Dante Alighieri and the artists of the past who portrayed him

søndag den 10. januar 2021

Ændring til: Egnsudstilling med medlemmer fra Aktiv Kunst, Hørsholm med bla. Lotte Kjøller. Fuglsangshus, Hørsholm 24 apr-16 maj 2021


Lotte Kjøller deltager 24 apr-16 maj 21 i en egnsudstilling af kunstnere fra Aktiv Kunst fra min egn Hørsholm der indeholder alle aktive kunstnere og kunstudøvere i Hørsholm. Kunstforeningen Aktiv Kunst er meget aktiv og har magt i sit område. Fuglsanghus blev bygget i 1764 til slotsgartner Johan Tobias Pflügger ved Hirschholm Slot. Bruges i dag til skiftende udstillinger af Hørsholm Kunstforening og Aktiv Kunst som Lotte er medlem af. På grund af corona er der ikke nogen fælles fernisering men Lotte Kjøller er selv til stede 2 dage 1 maj og 14 maj i åbningestiden. 

1 maj er Lotte 55 års coronaforsinkede fødselsdag. På Lottes rigtige fødselsdag d. 30 Januar sad alle vi danskere alene i hvert vort hjem isolerede under Corona. Derfor fejrer jeg den nu midt i naturen og midt i foråret!

Fuglsanghus, Gl. Hovedgade 2, 2970 Hørsholm.
Tlf: 45 86 24 69
Yderligere information:Hjemmeside
Åbent: Fr. sø./hlg. kl. 12-17

Entré: Gratis 

Noorderlicht International Photo Festival 2021, Holland

 The Makeable Mind "I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours." (Cheshire Cat internet meme) The Noorderlicht International Photo Festival 2021 will take place from 26 June to 12 September 2021 at various locations in the Dutch provinces of Groningen and Friesland. Departing from photography, the festival focuses on the entire spectrum of the image, both analogue and digital: from computer-generated imagery to virtual, mixed and augmented reality, installations, projections and mappings. The theme ‘The Makeable Mind’ will explore the relationship between visual culture and reality: How do visual technologies, communication media, and both mainstream and citizen journalism influence our thinking, and how do they disguise, describe, rewrite and expose our reality?